Sunday, 21 July 2013

#bbloggers Thrifty Beauty

Insanely trampy or cleverly thrifty? You tell me. I happened upon this trick a few weeks back when my perfume bottles and bank balance ran dry at the exact same time. 

So, rather than go into debt replacing my Ange au Demon, I set to work snipping away at the huge pile of magazines I have- and look at the haul!

Not just perfume either- loads of beauty products.

So I've put them all in a little case I can dip-into whenever. These mini samples are also great for nights out or holidays!

I hope you like my thrifty tip- and first proper post! Let me know in the comments... or if you have any frugal tips of your own.

Sheree XX

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'll be my own 1st comment. :)